My iPod is a necessity at all times. At any given moment I need to be able to listen to music, to calm me, excite me or just cure my boredom. I use music to write, sleep, eat, clean, shower, drive, dance, drink, and work.Without music, my life would not be as fun as it is and I probably wouldn't bother to wake up and fight the day. Also, I love my Skull Candy headphones. They rock my eardrums like no other.
Journals! I have a lot of them and keep a few handy at all times. I write down my thoughts in some, quotes in others, and I even like to write down people I encounter. Writing is a big part of my life and always has been. I always have something near in case I get a creative whim or a muse. That and some secrets just cannot be shared with anyone but yourself.
I'm a smoker, I'm trying to quit, but so far I am still at it. It's my anti-depressant and, yes, I know they are bad for me so, please spare me the lecture.
A random of assortment of textbooks for whatever subject I'm taking. Yes I'm a college student, its going to be found in my backpack, that is after all what they are for right?
My Droid X2. I seem to have less of a special relationship with my phone as I used to have. It is still a lifeline to the outside world. Besides getting texts and calls, I can be found playing silly games, checking email, watching movies, listening to music, checking social networking sites, blogging, and sometimes even writing papers on my phone. It's amazing what you can do on this thing.
Caffeine! It fuels me through the many days where I've only gotten 3 hours of sleep the night before and have classes to get to, people to help, homework to do, children to run after and bills to be paid.Coffee is my morning drink and though I try to stop drinking soda, Diet Coke remains to be one of my biggest vices.
My camera. You never know when you might need your camera right? I mean, honestly, how do you think all those good pictures get taken? It's not because someone left their camera at home and ran to get it when something exciting or daresay devastating happens, cameras are always a necessity.
Anyone that knows me can tell you that I have an unhealthy addiction to these little buggers. They are most likely in my backpack, or in my tummy. Yum!
My Nook. I love to read and though I still prefer the old fashioned way of reading, this has made it more convienient to take on trips or in an already full of books back pack. I read whenever I have downtime, and I'm always looking for new things to delve into. Of course with school and three kids, my downtime has been dwindling as the days go on.