Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Time for change

I've been searching for change for me and my family for awhile now. I'm slowly converting myself to go green. I also want to change what we eat, sadly health food is expensive so we need to find a happy medium so I can feed my family and still be able to give them and me the nutrition we need. I am going to make a list of goals that I hope to achieve by the end of the year.
  1. Recycle regularly
  2. Buy organic, locally grown and hormone free food.
  3. Go one whole month without meat.
  4. Exercise 3 times a week
  5. Limit television and internet time
  6. Be active in my community
  7. Walk/Bike to work
  8. Go outside more
  9. Pay bills ON TIME!
  10. Write 250 words a day

1 comment:

  1. Those look like some great goals! I need to do better at these, as well. The Farmer's Market at the dike downtown is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday mornings now. Not sure what they have yet. I am going to check it out this weekend, for sure, since we can walk right down the bike path to it.

    Also, maybe check out the different asian markets in town (mostly along Main). They have some affordable veggies. Not sure how organic they are. Stuff is fairly affordable. Lots of rice too!

    On the meat part, I recommend doing it gradually. Going cold turkey seems to be too hard for most people. If you go out to eat, doublecheck the menu or if you go places, sometimes you might have to eat ahead of times. Joey and I have been vegetarian for a year and a half already and we love it. We cut out red meat from our diet early on, and then started cutting out chicken a little bit by bit for months before giving it up. We haven't gone back and I have no cravings. Not sure how to explain it!

    Great vegetarian website to check out: 101 Cookbooks

    Good luck with your goals!

    (Didn't mean to comment so much, haha!)
